作者:Sharla Hooper

指导, 由领导举办的支持会议和研讨会, 学术咨询, 职业咨询和按需资源为学生提供全套服务 

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 博士学院 is pleased to highlight its commitment to supporting doctoral students through its newly expanded pilot mentoring initiative, 校友导师计划, as part of a robust suite of support services offered to students in practitioner doctorate programs. 从学者处操作, 医生, 领导模式, 学院将学生置于博士教育生态系统®与专家的中心, 帮助他们成为组织领导者的资源和工具, 行业与社区.

“The 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 博士学院 is focused on integrating students into a practitioner community so that they can more effectively reach their career goals,Hinrich Eylers说, Ph.D.博士研究学院副教务长. “医生 doctorate studies provide career-relevant education that leverages knowledge and experience of working adult learners in their chosen professions. We believe that every student should have access to comprehensive support that enhances their individual growth and their professional network, 我们的学院领导与学生和教师合作,以更有效地实现这一目标."

The 博士学院 校友导师计划 is designed to connect current doctoral students with College alumni. 学生在攻读博士学位的过程中可能会有问题和担忧, and mentors draw upon their own experience to help provide additional support and help their mentees work toward educational and career goals. 指导预计将持续大约六(6)个月, 但导师和学员可以选择延长时间. 为扩大试点项目的启动,已有230多名校友自愿参加.

“The mentor-mentee relationships created in our program between doctoral alumni and students provide our mentors the opportunity to share pertinent and valuable 资源 and suggest potential networking opportunities. It assists in the development and growth of our students while serving as a bridge to link knowledge and leadership practice to help foster a new generation of leadership in organizations,约翰·拉米雷斯说, 工商管理硕士, 学院的运营主任, 谁设计并领导校友导师计划. “我们有一个活跃而积极的校友社区, 我们的校友导师是一个倡导者, 教练, 老师, 指南, 榜样, 有价值的朋友, 仁慈的权威, 欢快的评论家, 职业爱好者.”

卡拉米. 哈里斯正在攻读教育学博士学位, Post Masters Certificate in Curriculum and Instruction program at the College and was excited to sign up for the mentor program as soon as she heard of its availability. 她的导师给她提供了一个及时而又急需的联系. “适应我的家庭、工作和研究生学习并不容易. 合适的导师改变了我的人生轨迹,”她分享道.

Harris has weekly meetings with her mentor to set goals and discuss her progress on those goals. “每周设定目标让我有责任感. 我的导师每个星期天都会给我发一些鼓舞人心的语录,让我度过一周. 我的导师在我身上投入的时间和思想是有价值的.另一个好处是发现了她和导师之间的相互尊重, “导师和学员可以相互学习, 构建网络, 成长为专业人士.”

Pamayla Darbyshire, DHA, RN, 当了40年的护士,也是空军护士团的退休军官, 她于2021年在该学院获得了卫生管理博士学位, 他现在是三名博士生的志愿导师. “如果有人想成为导师, 我会鼓励他们了解他们的学员的背景:他们来自哪里, 他们受过什么样的教育啊, 他们在他们的教育努力中有什么样的经历啊, 他们所感到的是匮乏, 然后让他们知道你理解他们. 让学员感到他们并不孤单是很重要的. 我们可以互相学习,我们都可以在师徒关系中成长.”

学院领导还在几个支持领域组织了一系列会议. Mansureh Kebritchi博士.D., 椅子, 教育与教学技术研究中心(CEITR), leads the p each year that provides a forum and community for students to polish their research skills. 该集团为学生提供一系列高质量的方法资源, 在线研讨会, 办公时间, 论坛, 以及短时学习视频来帮助他们学习研究方法. 金伯利·安德伍德博士.D., 椅子, 工作场所多样性和包容性研究中心(CWDIR), leads a formal Writing 支持 team of seven faculty members that opens with participants engaging in Socratic dialogue to generate critical thinking and behaviors needed to successfully progress through each stage of the doctoral journey. The sessions are designed to move students through increasing complex levels and provide intensive explorations of topics and active writing exercises.

根据学生的需要,有非正式的支持领域. Underwood also leads an informal Coffee Chat program offering safe and supportive space for students to talk about challenges outside of the classroom, where students drive the agenda and have community spaces established for further sharing and connection. 莉莉娅·桑提亚格博士.D., 项目副院长, 教育领导, 领导一个教育项目博士生支持小组, 题为“埃德.D. 生活必需品,” creating community and addressing challenges and opportunity specific to students’ experience working in education. 凯茜·拉利博士.D., 据三菱重工, RN, 项目副院长, 卫生行政博士, 为项目中的学生提供持续的支持, 教师和学生在哪里合作.

Faculty at 博士学院 offer both academic credentials and industry experience to the students they serve, 平均27分.7年的专业经验和12.在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜有2年的教学经验. 学院教师的专业经验包括首席执行官的经验, 总统, 咨询顾问, 执行董事, 和校长.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜为多元化的学生群体提供服务,并理解79.该校8%的学生是在职的成年人,希望通过教育提升自己的职业生涯. 该学院的在职成年人比例更高,96%的人在入学时就业. 除了博士教育生态系统®, doctoral students have access to the same 24/7 support channels as students across colleges and programs by 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 大学的聊天机器人, 菲比®,以及 生命资源中心 和虚拟学生会, 提供永远在线的帮助, 资源, 和参与的机会,以满足学生不同的需求和时间表.  

在完成学业后,学生可以加入大学的强大 校友网络 拥有超过一百万的会员. The 校友网络 hosts in-person and virtual events throughout the year to support professional development, 网络和社区参与.  

通过这些支持方法, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 博士学院 redefines online education for the practitioner doctorate model, offering a comprehensive support network that empowers working adult professionals to pursue their academic and career aspirations with confidence.

在这里了解更多关于如何 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜支持学生.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 博士学院 关注当今具有挑战性的业务和组织需求, from addressing critical social issues to developing solutions to accelerate community building and industry growth. 学院的研究项目是围绕学者建立的, 医生, 领导模式 which puts students in the center of the Doctoral 教育 Ecosystem® with experts, 帮助他们成为组织领导者的资源和工具, 行业与社区. 通过这个项目, students and researchers work with organizations to conduct research that can be applied in the workplace in real time.



推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 innovates to help working adults enhance their careers and develop skills in a rapidly changing world. 灵活的时间表, 相关的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 交互式学习, skills-mapped curriculum for our bachelor’s and master’s degree programs and a 职业服务 for Life® commitment help students more effectively pursue career and personal aspirations while balancing their busy lives. 欲了解更多信息,请 访问凤凰城.edu